
Showing posts from September, 2021

A castle in Rhino3D.

 This week I created a model of a castle in Rhino3D.  This was the first assignment in a new course I'm taking, CAD and Digital Fabrication. This is my model in shaded view.  I mostly used the polyline tool to create the walls, then extruded them. The most challenging part of this assignment was using the boolean operations (booleanUnion, booleanDifference) to create more specific forms.  I was very happy with how this looked in Rendered mode.

Mesh Mashup (example)

  A visual pun on "a fork in the road".  Potential to make this about consumerism as represented by the fork (representing consumption) and cars (representing work/commuting, and the cars themselves representing mass manufacturing.) Traffic light: Car: Fork: